Apple, Google, Facebook & Several American Tech Companies Against Donald Trump’s Immigration Ban
Stepping in the legal battle against President Donald Trump's immigration ban is the 127 American Tech Companies with two cases filed separately on Feb 5 and 6. Trump's Executive Order brusquely violated the immigration law and the US Constitution according to them.
Leading with the opposition of the Donald Trump's immigration ban are Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Intel, Netflix, twitter, and small and big American Tech Companies, reported on CNN Tech. This legal battle is making a remarkable spot in the history of an industry against the President of the US. Although, not included in the list are companies founded by immigrants such as Levi Strauss and Chobani are not joining in this case.
Written in a court document filed by American Tech Companies published on Scribd, "a sudden shift in the rules governing entry into the United States, and is inflicting substantial harm on U.S. companies." This is one of the hurdles encountered with President Donald Trump's immigration ban that circulated in the US courts system consisting of different legal battle.
On that same document, American Tech Companies argued, "Immigrants make many of the Nation's greatest discoveries, and create some of the country's most innovative and iconic companies. At the same time, America has long recognized the importance of protecting ourselves against those who would do us harm." It simply shows strong opposition to the Donald Trump's Immigration ban as it added, "But it has done so while maintaining the fundamental commitment to welcoming immigrants -- through increased background checks and other controls on people seeking to enter our country." This is the basis of this legal battle.
On a related news, there are also legal battles that surfaced by the time the Donald Trump's immigration ban was signed. According to American Civil Liberties Union, Federal Judge Ann Donnelly granted a nationwide temporary injunction of that Executive Order on January 28. The decision state, "It is further ordered that to assure compliance with the court's order, the court directs service with this order upon the United State Marshal for the Eastern District of New York, and further directs the United States Marshall service to take action deemed necessary to enforce the provisions and prohibitions set forth in this order." This also means that the American Tech Companies will be keeping a good fight in the cases they filed.
The legal battles have long begun and the move of American Tech Companies is an added leap in the development of actions against the Donald Trump's immigration ban.
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