You Get to Eat A Lego Burger in this Philippine Restaurant!
There are a lot of unique approaches in food and this restaurant decided to make Lego-inspired burgers that do not hurt when you bite it! As a matter-of-fact, these burgers taste delicious!
Brick Burger, a restaurant in the Philippines, contains something quite unique in their menu: Lego Burgers! These burgers are rectangular-shaped burgers with their top bun shaped like the infamous Lego square piece. As if this was not enough, you get to choose different colors of these Lego burgers.
According to the The Telegraph, the Lego Burger restaurant opened late last year (August, 2016). Jergs Correa, owner of the restaurant and a Lego enthusiast, said his dream was to open a food place that would cater to Lego fanatics. It seemed like they went overboard with their proclamation. Fortunately, this daring choice caught the attention of people outside the country.
The restaurant serves 10 different Lego Burgers. The playful appearance of the burgers are not the only staple of this joint since they also have varying styles of burgers that would surely give your palate a treat. Eater said that customers can get toppings like mac and cheese, caramelized onions, bacon bits, and barbecue sauce.
What is delightful about these Lego burgers is that even their patties look like squares to really form that favorite stackable square block. This means that not only Lego fans visit the place but burger fans as well. The place itself looks like a giant Lego shop and you can make believe you're one of those adorable Lego characters.
However, the restaurant clearly stated that they are not directly affiliated with the Lego Company despite having their house specialty named Lego burgers. It does not seem to be a problem for the Lego Company as the company itself shared a twitter post in their official Lego account. Nothing says playfully delicious quite like this.
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