How To Get Google Assistant On Marshmallow and Nougat Android phones
If Apple has Siri, Amazon has Alexa, and Microsoft has Cortana, Android also has Google Assistant now. In essence, it will soon roll out on Nougat and Marshmallow Android phones this week. It's just right to know more about the phone feature, especially how to get this one soon.
Google Assistant is an intelligent personal assistant that Google launched last year. It can engage in two-way talks that can do any command for Google's array of services, apps, and wearable.
As stated by the Tech Radar, Android users before still need to Root their phones so that they can get Google Assistant. And that's last year, the AI can now be simply downloaded without any glitch from system update of the smartphone's OS.
To make sure that Google Assistant will be successfully downloaded, get the latest Google and Google Play. Next week's update will be the gateway of the latest Android feature so it's a must to refresh them now.
Google will just send the system to upgrade on selected phone working with Android 7.0 Nougat and Android 6.0 Marshmallow. There's no need to manually set the feature or buy it somewhere.
In another report by Pocket-lint, it said Google Assistant is an extension of Google Now; it's more personalized and interactional than ever before. It can carry out a whole dialogue about what the user needs to have it done. Its AI capabilities encompass the normal features of the traditional device feature.
At the moment, Google's latest innovation is so far accessible on Google Pixel, Google Home, Android Wear 2.0, Android TV, Google Allo, Cars, and other devices. To take note, March will be the launching month of the AI on other higher Android OS which currently works with phones like LG G6 and LG V20.
Lastly, Google Assistant will have other languages besides English so the users will surely enjoy it anywhere they are. Ask or tell anything, the feature will answer and so it anyway it can.
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