Windows 10 Creators Update Features Have Trade-Offs, Should Users Be Concerned?
The Windows 10 Creators Update features certainly has some shining moments, but we all know very well that not all that glitters is gold. Microsoft has delivered tons of new noteworthy features in their latest major update.
This includes various improvements on the Microsoft Edge Browser, new dynamic lock feature and of course, the ever popular game mode. However, some Windows 10 Creators Update features come at a price.
According to Forbes, Microsoft's latest update also knocks off some key features from previous update builds. This includes the Flash autorun on the Microsoft Edge browser, as users will now have to manually enable it since its now turned off by default.
Apps corner and offline reading mode for Reading List will soon be axed by Microsoft as well. More features are also expected to depreciate once new Windows 10 Creators Update features are implemented.
While re-tweaking, removing and re-configuring features is one thing, security issues are another. Which is why the European Union is concerned about the upcoming Windows 10 Creators Update.
According to Reuters, data watchdogs from the European Article 29 Working Party are concerned about the security in Microsoft's latest update. The Windows 10 Creators Update features a new privacy setting that stops Microsoft from collecting app installation information when users choose "basic" option.
While the European watchdogs revealed that Microsoft had the "willingness to cooperate", they still demand a more clear explanation from the company. The Article 29 Working Group is more concerned about what the company does with the information it collects from the Windows 10 Creators Update features.
There is no telling how Microsoft intends to use the collected information in terms of shaping the market. Information might be sold to various tech companies and manufacturers, or perhaps it might be for their personal usage. Regardless, users ought to be wary of certain Windows 10 Creators Update features that could put their privacy at risk.
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