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How To Win AIA Young Architects Award? Incredible 14 Architects Newest Recipients Reveals the Secret

The American Institute of Architects (AIA) has recently announced its 24th-year recipients. To take note, it selected 14 "young" architects that showed remarkable professional leadership and contributions. Find out here more how some of them manage to grab the recognition.

According to Architect Magazine, the winners are Kara Bouillette, Shannon Christensen, R. Corey Clayborne, Danielle C. Hermann, Jeffrey Erwin Huber, Benjamin Kasdan, Andrea Love, Kurt Neiswender, Jonathan Opitz, Jeffrey Pastva, Jessica Sheridan, Chris-Annmarie Spencer, Lora Teagarden and Luis Velez-Alvarez. The AIA Young Architects Award recognized their significant strides below 10 years of profession service.

2017 AIA Young Architects Awardees secret towards their successes is their advocacy. They use architecture for the betterment of people. All their portfolios speak widely of how it is made. They might have different niches but each has boundless passions.

According to Archdaily, the 14 chosen architects aren't "young" in the literal term. It only means that they are still in the early years of their career. The recognition only puts light to what they already have achieved in these times.

Here Are Some of Them:

For Bouillette, she is Hufft Projects manager and architect for arts and architecture. Once she also helped AIA Kansas City's Education Outreach teach about design to elementary children.

Christensen also served AIA when she held multiple leader roles in Northwest and Pacific Regions. Her feminist views on architecture are also amazing.

As part of the 2017 AIA Young Architects recipients, Clayborne truly serves a seat after being named as the 2016 president of AIA Richmond chapter, as one of AIA Blue Ridge board of directors and as its Young Architects Forum founder.

Hermann's transformation of AIA Iowa chapter is also remarkable. She turned it into a strong committee and formed Iowa Women in Architecture.

The above mentioned 2017 AIA Young Architects recipients are just as outstanding as the rest of the others. All of them definitely worth the juries attentions.

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