
Hawthorn Hood House’s Transformation Into a ‘Forever’ Home: Combination of Heritage and Modern Flair

By Glanze Patrick | Jan 29, 2024 09:00 AM EST

(Photo: Tatjana Plitt)

In the heart of a charming neighborhood, the Hawthorn Hood House by BENT Architecture is a testament to the transformative power of thoughtful design. Commissioned by a couple of professionals with school-aged twins, the project began as a renovation extension but evolved into creating a 'forever' home. This article explores the intricate journey undertaken by the architects, navigating challenges, preserving heritage elements, and crafting a light-filled residence that seamlessly blends past and present.

The Quest for the Perfect Setting

The journey of Hawthorn Hood House started with a realization - the initial house and site presented inherent limitations, especially concerning solar orientation. Faced with compromises in the design due to these constraints, the architects engaged in early conversations with the clients, leading to a decision to seek a more suitable location. A strategic letter-drop campaign, guided by a short list of preferred suburbs, streets, and orientation, culminated in acquiring the ideal project site.

(Photo: Tatjana Plitt)

Design Discussions and Rapid Implementation

With the new canvas at hand, design discussions commenced promptly. The result is a 'forever' home tailored to meet the long-term needs of the clients. The architects, driven by a commitment to maximizing natural light and engagement with the surroundings, navigated challenges with agility. The Hawthorn Hood House emerged as a radiant and inviting residence, a testament to the success of its swift and purposeful design process.

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(Photo: Tatjana Plitt)

Preserving Heritage, Embracing Modernity

The original house, adorned with an intense period character and protected by a Heritage overlay, became the starting point for BENT Architecture's creative journey. Rather than turning away from the form and materiality of the existing structure, the architects chose to engage with and reinterpret its defining features. Grand proportions of interior spaces and the highly articulated terracotta roof form were embraced and reimagined.

Unveiling the Transformation

The transformation unfolded by 'unclipping' a previous extension at the rear of the home, resetting the floor plan, and strategically harnessing the sun-filled rear yard. Bedrooms and utilities found their place within the original home and beneath the spacious roof. Simultaneously, new living areas north of the original house drew inspiration from its grandeur, capturing northern sunlight and framing views of the backyard and pool.

A Symphony of Design

Externally, the new living areas manifest as a reclamation of the roof of the original house, gracefully folding down at the rear. This architectural choice responds to the functionality of the spaces within while paying homage to the original structure and the surrounding rooflines of its heritage neighborhood. The result is a harmonious blend of the old and the new, where the redesigned roof becomes a distinctive feature, resonating with the heritage context yet marking a bold step into the future.

Hawthorn Hood House by BENT Architecture is a testament to purposeful design's transformative power. The journey from a compromised initial concept to creating a 'forever' home showcases the architects' ability to navigate challenges, preserve heritage elements, and craft a residence that seamlessly integrates with its surroundings. The blending of past and present, the reinterpretation of defining features, and the strategic reprogramming of spaces reflect the meticulous thought and creativity in every aspect of this architectural masterpiece. Hawthorn Hood House fulfills the client's needs and enriches the neighborhood with a modern dwelling that pays homage to its historical roots.

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