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Pizza Hut's New Touch Isn't To Their Menu, But To The Tables [VIDEO]

Pizza Hut wants to save your mouth some wasted energy that can be spent eating their food.

The fast food giant has imagined a new interactive way for customers to create and order their food without the need for a waitress—touchscreen tables.

A new collaboration with Chaotic Moon Studios, the Pizza Hut touchscreen concept table would allow diners to choose the size of their pizza, throw on their cheese, sauce and preferred toppings without having to read a boring menu with words. You can even add some side orders, select how you're going to pay for the meal and play some games on your table while you wait.

Chaotic Moon co-founder Ben Lamm says the tables would integrate a futuristic nostalgia factor into Pizza Hut locations, throwing it back to the days when customers could play games like Ms. Pac-Man in the store while they waited for their food.

So what's the chance this becomes a real thing? Pretty high, apparently, as Tech Crunch reports that a plan is in place to try out prototypes in "high-volume" Pizza Hut shops and then proceed to a wider-scale rollout based on feedback.

Check out the promo video below to see how easy it could be to avoid human interaction in the future!