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Crawl Space in Houses: What is It and its Purposes?

Crawl spaces are not the typical features you would see in houses. Not to mention they are often overlooked by interior designers. However, they may have a bigger role than just a small space.

Usually located in the hidden places of your home, a crawl space can make it easy for plumbers, electricians, and other house fixers to access things they need to fix. More than that, they can even provide proper ventilation to refresh your home. Unfortunately—these functions can already be seen in other more visible and easy-to-design parts of your home, which thus, why crawl spaces are often dismissed.

To finally solve your head-scratching question, here's how experts define a crawl space.

Screenshot from The Mold Solutions Official Website
What is a Crawl Space?

According to Realtor crawl space is a hollow place homeowners can find between the ground and under their first floor. To know if you have one at home, pay attention if the floor creaks every time you step on it. Also known as low ceilings, they are usually high enough for a person to enter by crawling, as the name 'crawl space' implies.

Because they are smaller in space, houses with this feature are more affordable than those with basements. People who wish to opt for home construction can also save a lot with crawl spaces which can be much more beneficial if they live in damp or rainy areas.

Purpose of a Crawl Space

But with the condition of a crawl space, versus its alternatives like concrete and basements, you may find it with fewer purposes. However, its functionality can be particularly valuable for those living in specific environments, where a crawl space between their ground and floor can address unique needs.

Gives Access to Home Issues

Believe it or not, some homeowners prefer to have crawl spaces over concrete slabs because of the easy access they provide to house components. Crawl space makes it easy to spot and fix issues, such as mold, leaks, electrical problems, and the like, without needing to dig up your front yard, per AdvantaClean.

Regulates Home Conditions

If you've been seeing crawl spaces in horror movies, hate to break it to you but it's not the same. Architectural Digest reported that they can be encapsulated or vented (which can also depend on your preference). Inside, you can have options that will help regulate the moisture and temperature of your home and prevent allergens from coming at your family members.

Refreshes Your Home

With a properly vented crawl space, Architectural Digest also stated that houses can benefit from the fresh air that comes with this feature. This way, you won't have to seek an AC to cool your place. However, make sure that you employ proper maintenance to prevent attracting pests.