Mexico City Policy Might Impose Electric Car Usage Soon Once Hybrid Vehicle Market Blossoms
The Mexico city policy in regards to combating air pollution is becoming a lot stricter, but a billionaire investor can be a game-changer for the country. The air pollution in Mexico is becoming a difficult problem to remedy.
As a matter of fact, the problem has gotten so bad that officials had to implement a "No-Drive-days" or Hoy no Circula. During these days certain cars in the city, depending on the last digit on their license plates, won't be allowed to be driven.
This Mexico city policy was implemented with hopes that it will reduce the air pollution problem. However, a number of smoke-belching vehicles can easily raise back the air pollution level at an alarming rate.
Other than the "Hoy no Circula", there is another solution to Mexico's air pollution dilemma. According to Seeker, Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim is hoping to bring electric vehicles to the table.
Slim will be partnering up with multinational bakery Grupo Bimbo, to help manufacture electric automobiles. With electric vehicles in the picture, Mexico would experience a significant drop in their air pollution levels.
The Mexican businessman's proposal sounds like a more efficient solution than Mexico's "Hoy No Circula" policy. Many have argued that the no-drive-days Mexico city policy isn't one without flaws.
In fact, statistics reveal that it's not becoming that effective in clearing out air pollution. According to Phys.Org, research data shows that Mexico's air pollution levels did not decrease by much.
Associate Professor Lucas Davis speculated that people might have workarounds for the "Hoy No Circula" Mexico City policy. With that said, Davis suggests that Mexico should have more strict smoke emission tests for vehicles.
"If you have a car that's polluting the air, you can't drive it. Period.", Davis added. On the other hand, Mexico can always wait and hope for Slim's electric car solution to take air pollution out of the picture.
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