Cottage Owners Stack Windows To Face 116 Year Old Tree In Sydney
There is an Australian Architecture firm called the Panovscott. They create really unique designs all through their career. Recently they have implemented a 116 year old tree in their cottage design in Sydney. Reports have been coming in saying it looks beautiful.
Dezeen reported that they have a project going on in Sydney where they wanted to extend a cottage. What they decided to do is to extend the cottage from the rear and stack a window on the back which faces the garden. This is a bold move in cottage designing history.
The reason why they chose to do so is because the window faces not just the garden, but the magnificent 116 year old tree that stands proudly in it. The tree is part of the vast history of planet earth and Panovscott decided to embrace it rather than cut it down.
This is how other people should act too. The earth can be really beautiful if seen from the right eyes. The cottage itself was built in 1917 and the tree is older than that as well. The tree is a Jacaranda tree which is vast as it branched out for a century. It even has beautiful purple leaves which overlook the cottage making it a really magnificent sight, as seen on Alternative Economics.
The cottage was a nursery for 90 years and it was passed down by the previous owners to the new owners. The new cottage owners decided to continue the tradition of the cottage as well as the tree and make the two even more connected.
Anyone would love to wake up in the morning and have a giant widnow overlooking the beautiful tree. The extension project was named Jac which of course is a short form of Jacaranda as it tributes to the tree. The project finished and the pictures look amazing.
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