Heart Shaped Bike Rack Designed For People Who Give Their Hearts To Biking
Recent news have come in for a bike rack that is shaped just like a heart. That is excellent news for people who like to store their bikes on racks for many different reasons. Biking is an important part of life for some people and it needs to be appreciated accordingly.
Daydec posted a picture of a bike hung inside of an interior where it could be seen that the bike is actually hung inside the house and not just the garage. This is because the heart shaped rack for bike lovers looks so incredibly nice and well blended.
Because of its good blending, it has the ability to be installed almost anywhere. This is good not only for just the garage but it is great for the room, the living room, and even a bedroom. The only problem this causes is a dirty bike which may rough up the house.
Contemporist first posted the pictures of the bike. They said that a team designed this heart and it looks great on its own as well. That is actually true because when there is no bike on it, the piece looks like a giant wall mounted heart. There are two different colors in the pictures for the heart rack.
The heart so far can be seen in black and red color. It is made out of thin and long pieces of metal connected together to form a polygon based heart outline with some lines going through in between. It is also convenient as one can store a literal bike on top of it.
From the side the heart extends out towards the top and caves in further bottom. This is done so the bike is really easy to place from any angle the user wants. It is made so however one puts the bike on it, it adjusts itself and sits perfectly how it was meant to sit.
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