Finally, A Digital Picture Frame Worthy Of Great Photos And Designs
There were many photographers and artists in the advent before cell phones with 41-megapixel cameras and tablets with 3.1 million-pixel displays.
But those devices have undoubtedly had an affect on creatives - even those who wouldn't categorize themselves as such.
Millions of people, who might have forgotten their cameras or don't care to lug around an easel, now have thousands of photos and designs they otherwise might have never created.
And finally, there will be a place worthy of showcasing those things.
Electric Objects, a New York City-based company which raised $1.7 million in venture capital funds to get off the ground, just launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund the production of the EO1, a digital picture frame that looks superior to others currently on the market.
The idea behind the frame was simple:
There's more art on the Internet than in every gallery and museum on Earth.
But many of these beautiful objects are trapped. They're trapped inside of devices like our phones, our tablets, our TVs, our laptops - devices designed for distraction, living between texts, tweets, football games and emails from work.
So we wanted to make a new way to bring art from the Internet into your home.
Originally priced at $1,500, Best Buy offers a 12.1-inch Image Entertainment Digital Frame for only $999. That might sound like a steal but trust us, it's not. The frame has 800x600 pixels (most cell phones have more) and features include an alarm, auto On/Off, background music, a calendar, clock, light sensor and can create slideshows.
(Photo : Electric Objects) The Eo1 by Electric Objects
The $500 EO1 will have 23-inch 1080 IPS display with Anti-Glare Technology capable of producing 1920x1080 pixel images. Still photos will look great on it.
What really separates the digital frame from others is that it really isn't a frame at all. It's a full computer.
Within the EO1 is a ton of hardware capable of producing high-end graphics and images and enabling it to connect to other devices via Wi-Fi.
Electric Objects OE1 Specs. (Photo : Electric Objects)
The Kickstarter goal of $25,000 has already been surpassed almost tenfold. With 28 days to go, Electric Objects has raised $220,753 toward making the EO1 a reality.
When the campaign expires next month, Electric Objects plans to use the remainder of the calender year for final development and plans to ship the first batch of beta EO1 computers in January 2015. Final production will continue through next spring and shipping will begin in May of next year.
"For the last 40 years computers have been about increasing our productivity or letting us play games," founder Jake Levine told The Verge. "We're building an ambient computer that contributes to your environment even if you don't interact with it."
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