Architecture Firms Urged To Tackle the Motherhood Penalty To Retain Female Talent

The architecture profession is grappling with a persistent issue: the motherhood penalty. Despite growing awareness and calls for diversity, women continue to disappear from the field after having children, and progress towards changing this trend remains painfully slow.
Bias and discrimination manifest in various forms throughout a female architect's career, intersecting with factors such as race, disability, sexual orientation, and social demographics. The systemic obstacles women face are often ingrained in tradition and habit, worsening with age. How can we create an environment that enables women to remain in the profession longer?
The Risk of Losing Valuable Talent
It is a significant risk to lose valuable talent, insight, and experience as women advance in their careers. Gender inequality in architecture is not accidental but a collective outcome of our decisions and the opportunities we create. Universities initially showcase diversity, but as women progress, they become underrepresented. The Architects Registration Board (ARB) survey in 2022 reported that only 31% of architects in the UK identify as female, a stark contrast to the 51% female population in the UK according to the 2021 census.
Female representation decreases with age. While ARB data is incomplete, it suggests that women over 50 constitute a tiny proportion of UK-registered architects, whereas those under 30 are much more prevalent. This striking pattern demands attention and intervention.
Encouraging Signs and Persistent Gaps
Encouragingly, female representation is increasing at the Part 1 stage, with more than 50% of applications from female students over the last five years. The RIBA Education Statistics report indicates that female entrants to validated Part 1 courses represented 55% of the total in 2020/21. However, fewer women return for Part 2, with only 48% in 2020/21. The RIBA Students Destinations Survey (2012-2019) identified a "lack of confidence" as a recurring reason for female students leaving architecture.
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Inflexible workplace cultures have long failed to accommodate the realities of parenting and caregiving. Statistics show that mothers are less likely to be promoted and hired compared to women without children, earn lower salaries, and are judged to higher standards. Coupled with skyrocketing childcare costs, the financial impact of lower salaries often makes it unviable for mothers to work.
The UK government has announced childcare reforms, including increased funded childcare for children from nine months to three years old, potentially providing financial help for mothers returning to work. However, workplace cultures must offer flexible working to everyone. Working from home, part-time work, and achieving work/life balance do not imply less commitment, skill, or ability. We must confront the outdated mindset that working long hours is a sign of commitment, often leading to burnout and poor resource planning.
Long-Term Financial Impact and the Need for Collective Effort
Government research reveals that the long-term financial impact of the motherhood penalty results in women's private pensions typically being worth 35% less than their male colleagues. Collective efforts from the government, employers, and the profession must address this issue, from lobbying and campaigning to influencing policy change for equality.
The architecture media often celebrates the "young architect," perpetuating a narrative where aging has negative implications. Being a caregiver or mother can impact career progression, discouraging women from staying in the profession. We need a change in the definition of success, the value system we perpetuate, and, ultimately, the inclusive shape of our practices.
The Fawcett Society's 2022 survey revealed that 77% of women experience significant menopausal symptoms, with 44% reporting that their ability to work was affected. Disabled women are more affected, with 22% leaving work. Menopause should not be treated as a deficiency or an embarrassment; it is a natural stage of life. We must remove the stigma and shame associated with being female.
Architecture, an art of harmonizing differences, requires careful choreography of listening, understanding client's needs, and shaping visions into built forms. As the field evolves, we must be adaptive, collaborative, and creative, applying these qualities to our practices.
Those in positions of power and influence must set aside self-interest and ego to address the trigger points of loss. We are best placed to create a progressive blueprint for the future, challenging outdated behaviors and fostering an environment encouraging women to forge ahead and stay in the profession. It's time for action.
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