Mirrors are often what we see first thing in the morning and the last before we go to bed, simply because looking at our reflections every time we freshen or clean up is necessary. The best mirror designs for bathrooms make this happen every day and are as essential as your hygiene and physical care kit.
In Feng Shui, Magic Bricks shared that a mirror can balance a bathroom's "bad energy" and it helps that you see your reflection in the morning and chant all your positive manifestations.
However, the same report noted that for this positivity to prosper, you need to keep in mind the best mirror designs for your bathroom.
5 Best Mirror Designs for Bathrooms + How to Place Them
Like every furniture we have at home, we also plan how we will put up our bathroom mirrors.
According to Mood Living, there are factors to consider when setting up the best mirror designs for your bathrooms: your bathroom style, how you like your lighting when you see your own reflection, the space it can take, and its functionality on whether it's going to be just a mirror, a mirrored cabinet, or one that resembles an artwork.
To give you choices, here are the top 5 best mirror designs for bathrooms and how you place them properly.
Clean Design / Houzz
1. Rectangular Mirrors
One of the most common and perhaps, the best mirror designs for bathrooms, are the rectangular ones. Architectural Digest expressed that they make your bathroom style more "streamlined," which means it occupies just enough space to complete the overall look.
This mirror design specifically works for small to medium-spaced bathrooms, especially those that are frameless and lengthier. For best results, place it at a vertical angle above the sink, or horizontally when your wall is spacious enough.
2. Storage Mirrors
If you have a small bathroom yet have sorts of prescription medicines, skincare sets, and the like-you can opt for storage or cabined mirrors with open shelves.
Architectural Digest suggests that these mirror designs be accessible to you, especially since you're likely to store medicines in them and your hygiene kit on the open shelf. When placed above the sink, make sure that you can see your face comfortably and you're not tiptoeing.
IN.De Interior Architecture and Design / Houzz
3. Round Mirrors
Now, maybe you ran out of creative juices when designing your bathroom or just happened to have a plain one. For Corcorans Furniture & Carpets, rounded mirrors will touch up your bathroom style. Since they're round and are a different shape compared to other elements of your bathroom, they can break up the monotonous vibe around.
Unlike previous mirror designs, they can also be up above your sink or bathtub, depending on the size you choose. The bigger ones are much preferable above bathtubs, but smaller ones can work in both places.
Screenshot from Better Homes & Gardens Official Website
4. Hinged Mirrors
Sometimes, you wish you could check out your whole outfit in the mirror, but because your mirror is too small, it's not possible. Better Homes & Gardens says it's possible with a downward-hinged mirror.
Mount it high on the wall in whichever part of the bathroom you wish, as long as they are not meeting your waist. Then, put it in a downward-hinged angle so your whole body is visible, including your head.
Soul Interiors Design, LLC / Houzz
5. Two Mirrors
If you only have one bathroom and you're not living alone or have kids that share it, two mirrors can provide a sense of space.
According to Better Homes & Gardens, this can make a nice divide between two people with different tastes. Now, those mirrors don't have to be plain ones. The other can be a storage mirror, depending on how the person likes it. They are best hung above sinks and can be adjusted to each person's height.
To sum it up, the best mirror designs for bathrooms are those that fit in the given space and people's needs as well. They don't have to match your aesthetic, they just need to function the way you want them to be.