Buzz Technology
MiT Says Biotechnology Will Shape Future Digital Means
They say that biotechnology is much more valuable and easier. This would most likely dictate the future of technology. Porsche Creates A Futuristic Porsche To Be Released In 2020
It has concealed wheels. This completely changes its looks. Recent news have come in describing the latest Porsche concept design that is to come in the near future. How Virtual Tecnology Can Help With Landscaping
It uses the same features as Pokemon Go. This is used to add items on to a blank land. Virtual Technology is no longer just a feature used in gaming anymore. iPhone 7 VS Samsung Galaxy S8: Which Phone is Worth Your Money?
The smartphone is surely one of the everyone's essentials nowadays. Users are in fact always clamoring to get the best of the best in the market today. Hence, here's a quick review of which device is better between iPhone 7 and Samsung Galaxy S8. ‘Pokemon Go’: The Top Reasons Why ‘Pokemon Go’ Isn't Your Favorite Game Now
"Pokemon Go" is currently experiencing downtime. Find out here the reasons why its happening. Top 5 Best Decor App For House Renovation
Getting ready for a home renovation? Try theses amazing decor apps now to have the perfect results. Designing is never as easy as today. With the advent of technology, home renovation can now be done in the tip of a finger. ‘Destiny 2’ Release Date and Latest Updates: Everything You Need To Know
"Destiny 2" details is finally here. Know more about the latest things the Italian leakage brought about the game. Apple Just Acquired Workflow, And Its Free Now!
Find out here how Workflow from Apple latest acquisition can provide convenience on the tip of your fingertips. Wikileaks CIA Hack Tools: Here’s How To Avoid Getting Hacked
Here are what you can do today about the Wikileaks hacking matters. Read it and be safe! Wikileaks has done it once again! The new controversial secret it disclosed just now is the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) hacking tool documents. Here is Emojipedia’s Newest Emojis That You Should Hear Now!
Emojis just keep getting better. In the latest update, Emojipedia will soon release new emojis in the next few months. Why The World Wide Web Is Not Easily Accessible In Asia And Africa And How to Fix It
What everyone should know about the world wide web and why not everyone can easily access it. “WWW: World Wide Web, Not Wealthy Western Web” by Bruce Lawson explains the challenges to web access in Asia and Africa which he aims to reach to the next 4 billion people with fast, performance sites. How To Keep Your Personal Information Safe From Hackers
Wikileaks shares important tips how to keep every person's information safe from hackers. In today’s time, hacking into a person’s smartphone, tablet, laptop or personal computer, router and smart TV is quite rampant. Amazon Alexa iOS Update Now Ready For Download!
Siri's main rival will soon share her space. In essence, Amazon's personal assistant is all ready now to launch on iPhone and iPad gadgets. Waze & Spotify Totally Made Driving More Exciting! Music & Direction Just Got Better With A Dream Collaboration
Waze and Spotify just turned commuting history with their collaboration. Learn more about the two's newest team up here. New App Features Distress Call Feature To Help Detained Immigrants
Nationwide raids have rendered hundreds of undocumented immigrants powerless over sudden raids. Fortunately, a new app is in the works that can give immigrants an instant fallback when things go horribly wrong.
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