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This Bokeh Design Wins Wallpaper of the Week by Abuzeedo

The Wallpaper of the Week contest by Abduzeedo is a photography contest wherein a Bokeh design photograph was the winner. The photo is one among the many submissions that the company had to choose from yet it still got the upper hand.

This Bokeh design appears simple with a touch of elegance yet it garnered the first place for Wallpaper of the Week, a photography contest by Abduzeedo. Abduzeedo is a blog site that contains articles about architecture, design, photography, and other matters connected to art and visual expression. It has been around since 2006 and its founder is Fabio Sasso. What started as an online personal blog site now has become a full-fledged digital publication.

The Wallpaper of the Week series talks about the digital wallpapers on the gadgets' screens and according to Abduzeedo, there are more than 350+ wallpapers and the Bokeh design took the cake. For those who do not know what Bokeh means, it is a photograph with purposely blurred or out-of-focus areas mostly used when shooting lights.

The Wallpaper of the Week competition carried the title "ABDZ Photo Challenge" (ABDZ is short for Abduzeedo) and they had one theme centered for that week. The theme came with a hashtag labeled #abdz_nightphoto where the contenders uploaded their photos captioning their submissions with the competition's hashtag. With this hashtag, they used to skim over the photos and picked the photo that gave the judges a nostalgic feel.

Their comments about the Bokeh design stated that this was reminiscent of the Digital Bokeh Effect made in Photoshop. In fact, the winner of the Wallpaper of the Week was not even a real photo of the Bokeh effect but one digitally made. The Macmillan Academy, gave out a .pdf showing the systematic instructional on how to create your own Bokeh design. The winning photo in Abduzeedo showed how creativity and skills can create realistic outcomes.

The Bokeh design winner of the Wallpaper of the Week is downloadable and can be a wallpaper for your computer desktop or your cellular phone. Abduzeedo continues with their weekly photo competition. If you feel that you have interesting photos and want them featured, go drop them a line.