Pavilion Of The Origins: An Eco-Friendly Project By Hung Nguyen
Vietnam's city Hanoi is considered to be one of the most polluted cities in the world. Due to the various industrial activities held there, it creates a lot of toxins in the air which are really bad to breathe in the short as well as the long term. Hung Nguyen decided to do something about that.
Hung is an architect, and according to Design Boom, he created a structure. This structure is called the Pavilion of the Origins and is located within Hanoi as well. It is known to be an Eco friendly structure which symbolically and literally helps out with the environment.
This structure is filled to the bring with various plants and ferns that are places everywhere, on the floor, on the sides, on the ceiling. The plants in the room absorb toxic and create pollution free clean air which is safe to breathe in. Considering the size of the room, the plants are said to do a good job in cleaning all the air that comes in it.
The room itself is structured in a way to clean air, it is painted pure white and consists of nets and grills inside to make sure there is no blockage of air. The walls are also made of similar nets as such and the ceiling seems to have glass on it to let sunshine in.
The room itself is filled with tables which's top is made out of nets and plants are hung by the legs. According to Arch Daily, the area of the place is 18 Metres Square which does not make the room very big but it is big enough to change the air.
The room represents what clean air should be and how one should get it. It is through the use of flora and vegetation which help clean the air. It is to show that even a polluted place like Hanoi can be cleaned up if everyone worked together
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