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Top 5 Impossible Ancient Structures Explained

Throughout history, archaeologists have discovered what they consider "impossible" ancient structures that defied plausible explanations due to the lack of research and materials available to understand their construction methods.

However, with new technology and discoveries, experts finally have a way to turn impossible ancient structures into possible ones.

Why These Ancient Structures Were Considered Impossible

According to Voice of America, the term "impossible" was used by experts to describe ancient structures due to the work associated with the technology available at the time. Such constructions included massive stones, complex yet coherent designs, and precise alignments, which early researchers scratched their heads in wonder over.

Over the years, countless myths and theories emerged about alien involvement or lost civilizations that had knowledge way beyond their time because of the lack of evidence and understanding.

However, as per Design Times, these lost civilizations turned out to be man-made.

Take the Teotihuacan, for example. This man-made structure comes with an enormous pyramid, called the Pyramid of the Sun, which is as big as 216 feet tall. Without the use of modern machinery, experts used to believe that large, heavy stones couldn't make up such a massive construction. Then, it was revealed that ancient builders moved and assembled these stones themselves.

In another Design Times report, experts also noted that huge "impossible" ancient structures were possible due to the large workforce, which often comprised slaves, and construction techniques.

Top 5 Impossible Ancient Structures Explained

Most extraterrestrial theories for mainstream ancient structures, such as the Pyramid of Giza or the Easter Island of Moai, were long debunked. But these top 5 impossible ancient structures now have an accurate explanation of their own.

1. Stonehenge, England

Stonehenge has long been considered as one of the most "impossible" ancient structures. Early theories suggested it was built by ancient Greeks, Egyptians, or even wizards, due to the massive stones that seemed far beyond the capabilities of prehistoric people.

However, English Heritage stated that modern archaeology has revealed that Stonehenge was built over several generations by Neolithic and Bronze Age communities using somewhat yet entirely human techniques. The stones were moved from distant locations, including the Preseli Hills in Wales, and carefully shaped and erected using tools and methods available at the time.

This gradual understanding demystified the structure, showing that it was not the work of mythical beings but rather a monumental achievement of early British society.

2. Çatalhöyük, Turkey

Built between 7100 and 5700 BCE, Çatalhöyük may be the oldest ancient city on Earth. What makes it particularly impossible is that it predates the invention of farming, metals, and wheels. This was proved due to the densely-packed mudbrick houses with no streets between them.

Some theorize that this design means that people of Çatalhöyük were likely nomadic hunter-gatherers who lived indoors only during the winter months. As it turns out, UNESCO World Heritage shared that the lack of streets and the design of houses were deliberate because it's a relatively egalitarian society with minimal social hierarchy.

The absence of grand buildings indicated that these people lived in a communal system where resources and responsibilities were shared.

3. The Nazca Lines, Peru

The Nazca Lines form a group of very big geoglyphs on the desert floor of southern Peru.

Created by removing the top layer of soil and revealing lighter ground below it, the Nazca Lines form complex designs that represent animals, plants, and geometric shapes. According to History, these lines remain a major debate, with some researchers proposing that they can have some kind of connection with astronomical constellations or ritual pathways and sources of water.

Modern research, however, has found that the Nazca Lines could have been created with just simple tools like ropes and wooden stakes.

4. Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum, Malta

One underground ancient structure that has been said to be "impossible" to explain is the Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum in Malta, dating back to 3300-3000 BCE.

Stumbled upon by accident in 1902, this subterranean complex was a mystery as it features different kinds of multiple chambers, some aligned to the winter solstice, and a complex network of passageways directly hewn into limestone.

Heritage Malta shared that Hypogeum was later discovered to be a well-planned necropolis constructed by early inhabitants of Malta using tools made from antler, flint, and obsidian.

5. Pumapunku, Bolivia

Puma Punku is a part of the Tiwanaku temple site in Bolivia, which many regarded as an "impossible" structure due to the accuracy and complication in its stonework.

Design Times reported that this site, dating back to approximately 536 CE, has stoneworks that feature perfectly straight cuts, carvings, and interlocking joints, all completed without modern tools or machinery. The stones are cut so finely that some of the early researchers have even speculated about the involvement of advanced or even extraterrestrial technology.

More recent archaeological studies, however, have revealed that the builders of Puma Punku used some ingenious techniques with basic tools. According to Live Science, they most likely worked with stone hammers, chisels, and sand that they would rub against blocks to grind and shape them into place with accuracy.

Far from mysterious perspective, these "impossible" ancient structures are now explained, with a nod to human creativity and perseverance even with limited resources.