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Blank Space Competition Calls for Letters Written for the Built Environment

There is no denying that a written letter was and still is the best form of communication that exists today. Even in fields that require visual representation, architects, designers and artists conceptualize through words before translating them into sketches.

Blank Space takes the significance of letters by creating a competition that asks creative such as architects, designers, writers, engineers, illustrators and students worldwide to write a 500-word letter addressed to architecture. As released by Blank Space, “Dear Architecture” aims to promote an open dialogue and become a venue for exchanging ideas as to what and how the role of the built environment is valuable to the modern world.

ArchDaily quoted Blank Space founders Matthew Hoffman and Francesca Giuliani, saying, “Letter writing is an exercise in exactitude and a potentially disruptive activity. Historically, well worded open letters were responsible for revolutions and for the circulation of innovative, game changing ideas.” They added, “ We are interested in applying this logic to architecture, and leverage the specific characteristics of letter writing as a format to instigate passionate reflections on architecture’s place in society and start an open dialogue on its responsibility and mission.”

According to the competition guidelines, the letter should start with “Dear Architecture.” An illustration is also required to supplement the letter.

Winners of the competition will receive up to $3,000 worth of prizes. The best entries will be published in the third publication of Blank Space in the winter of 2015. Regular registration fee for the competition is at $40. Registrations before May 27 will be at $30 while late registrations will be charged $50. The final submission of entries is on July 24.

Blank Space has recently concluded a very successful competition early this year with their second installment of Fairy Tales Architecture Competition.

“Dear Architecture” is organized by Blank Space and co-presented by Archinect, Bustler and ArchDaily.

For the full details of the competition brief, guidelines, and panel of judges, click here.

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