Marvel Universe Heroes Join Forces To Take Out Captain America; Steve Rogers Set To Be The Bad Guy?
"Captain America: Civil War" has shown fans how hard headed Steve Rogers can be and where his heart and loyalties actually lie. All that pales in comparison against where Captain America's fate will lead him in the near future, to the dark side.
Steve Rogers, the Super Soldier World War II veteran is everything a Super Hero should be, except he is not. Recent reports reveal that Captain America is going bad and his true nature has been unveiled as reported by The Verge.
An all new nine-issue miniseries called "Secret Empire" will be released soon and it features Captain America as the bad guy. The next Marvel Comics release will have all of Marvel's superheroes joining forces to take down the old red, white, and blue. Apparently, all this takes place after the events of "Captain America Civil War II" revealing that Steve Rogers is actually an agent of Hydra.
Mark your calendars for May 2017 for Captain America will be introduced to Marvel fans in an all new darker shade. Everything starts to unfold in the events of "Civil War II" whereas it was predicted that Captain Marvel and Iron Man will clash while Captain America works to prevent his true identity from being revealed.
Lately, there has been several movies and stories with the theme "hero-versus-hero," however, "Secret Empire" does not belong in this category. According to Axel Alonso, Marvel's Editor-in-chief, the upcoming evil version of Captain America in "Secret Empire" will effectively differentiate hero from the bad guy. "This is not heroes fighting heroes, this is heroes fighting a bad guy," he said.
ABC News reports that Captain America is definitely an agent of Hydra whereas he was not actually restored by Kobik. Looking back, Steve Rogers was stripped of his super soldier powers hence, removing his superhero abilities as Captain America. However, Kobik was able to restore him and his motives were not pure. Apparently, Steve Rogers was not just restored, his history has been changed making it so that he is an agent of Hydra and a true believer nonetheless. This surprising turn of events broke the hearts of many Captain America fans, and some can't help but wonder when these new plots will appear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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